Clean Energy Opportunities in Latin American Mining
The 9 minutes Conference of Dr Arnoldus M. van den Hurk in the Energy and Mines Australia Virtual Summit.
About the Virtual Event
Driven by rising and volatile energy costs, increasingly remote locations, and heightened pressure to reduce carbon emissions, the Australian mining sector is assessing and integrating renewable energy options. Indeed, the largest and most innovative hybrids for mines are currently being implemented by Australian operators with several others evaluating the feasibility of wind, solar, storage and hydrogen options.
While the global pandemic and economic downturn are impacting the timelines and short-term economics of some of these initiatives, miners are continuing to analyze the best energy solutions for remote and grid-tied sites across the country. How can mines get the best value out of renewable energy options ensuring power quality, reliability and significant cost savings? What operational results are other Australian mines realizing with renewables and storage and what are the lessons learned from both large and smaller-scale projects?
Following Energy and Mines’ highly-successful Perth Summits, this Virtual event will provide a necessary and timely platform for mining and renewable energy experts to engage and connect on these important topics at the heart of mining’s energy transition.
Taking place over three days with multiple formats and live streaming, the Summit will showcase the very latest hybrids for Australian mines and provide critical insight from mining and renewables experts on the appetite, challenges and next steps for renewables for mines. Through virtual meeting platforms, matchmaking, and live networking sessions, mining and renewables participants will have the opportunity to engage directly and make the necessary connections to continue the pathway to affordable, reliable and low-carbon energy for mines.
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